My last post generated interest of a few readers in worrying and thinking part. So I decided to think about - worrying and thinking.
"If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today." ~E. Joseph Cossman
Worrying generally does not give intelligent solutions. It puts you back to the square one. When the problem is not directly related to Raju (emotional you)and Raju is asked to give a solution, he thinks more and worries less. But when Raju has some emotional chords attached to a problem he thinks less and worries more.
While worrying the focus is on problem and the damage being done by the problem(e.g I failed so now I won't get a good job and I will not get good money) and not on ways out of it. While thinking you look at the problem, its cause and focus on solutions (e.g Why I failed, how can improve and if I can't improve how can I earn even without studying)
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere." ~Glenn Turner
In my opinion, while in a problem, human mind works in following manner:
1. Realizing
3. Settling
4. Thinking
5. Acting
I am sure many of us have come across people who do not realize a problem and hence do not worry / think about it. So, Raju crosses Pakistan's border unknowingly and does not even realize what problem he is into and hence, never thinks/ worries about it. This generally happens with the first timers. For example, in LKG I scored zero in Mathematics and yet came back home dancing happily because I did not realize that it is a bad score and can earn yelling of parents. "I do not know about anybody who worried about his very First exam result." During our initial exams our parents worry, think and act for us. It is only after realizing the value of results one starts getting butterflies in stomach just before the exam or the result. Realizing is thus followed by worrying.
It is not necessary that once you stop worrying you start thinking immediately. For thinking efficiently one needs to have calm and settled mind. The concept of God enables you to worry less and get settled. So they say : "Do not worry, God will set everything all right". The movie 3idiots famous line " All is well" also does the same thing. There are many people who reach to the settling stage but do not climb to the next stage. They get comfortable and leave the solution to come through someone else. They are optimistic about getting it but mostly passive in finding it.
The problem with most of Rajus and Radhas in this world is they stop at " All izz well " or at " God will take care".
Our ancestors derived the concept of God not to make us think less; but to make us worry less and think more.
But we modified it to suit our passiveness.
"Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers." ~Bruce Calvert
In 3idiots whenever Rancho sees a problem he says" All is well" but does not stop at that. He starts thinking how to Escape Ragging? How to design hospital equipments by a vacuum cleaner? etc. The people who are mature solution finders either skip or quickly pass the second and the third step. It becomes their habit and then they become so much used to it that subconsciously they realize, think and act; almost simultaneously. Corporates do not need managers who spend a lot of time on worrying and settling and thus to crack CAT one needs speed.
But Raju knows worrying is of no use still he worries. Why?
May be because,
1. He has become used to it.(Habit)
2. He does not know about any other option (Ignorance)
3. Because of unpredictability (Uncertainties)
Then, how can Raju stop worrying and start thinking ?
He can try following things:
1. First Raju needs to get aware in which stage he is. The moment he starts thinking about the stage; he actually starts thinking. Getting aware is a step towards thinking. He can further push himself to not to crib but find at least one solution.
2. Story:
Radha went for a trip to a jungle with her friends and got lost. Her cellphone was not working as there was no network coverage. She was worried how will she get back to her hotel. She started blaming, cursing, cribbing and crying. While wandering she found a small wooden hoarding of a " Tree House" . Her hopes got alive and she started moving towards the given direction. Although she could not locate the Tree house she could see a Car on a Highway. The hope and belief that there is a solution called "Tree House" landed her on a some different solution called "highway" and now she could reach her hotel safely.
So, One stops worrying when he knows that there is a solution. So one needs to know that there exists a solution or at-least believe that there can be a solution and then work it out.
3. While uncertainties can not be eliminated they can be reduced.Raju can reduce the uncertainty by proper planning and execution. When Raju's work is dependent on somebody else's work he can make followups or find some creative way out instead of worrying.
For the things that you have no control it is stupid to worry.
Ask yourself:
"Mrs Raju is pregnant. Should Mr Raju worry if the baby will be a son or a daughter?"
4. By acting like Rancho or someone else Raju can disconnect his emotional chords with the issue and come out of the problem to discover some some practical steps.
5. Raju can write the problem and the solutions too. While writing the solution Raju must not repeat the problem. He can check how has he moved forward. Defining a problem and writing solutions need concentration, efforts and clear thinking; not worries. Writing can be of great help.
"Chinta nahi Chinatan Karo"
Well this post is just another opinion.
BUT: Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. ~John F. Kennedy